Keystone Future Propery Leaders Workshop | July 2019
On Saturday the 20th July all our Keystone students from around NZ, came together for the second workshop for 2019. Behavioural psychologist Kyle McWilliams of McWilliams Consulting once again led the group as we reflected on our earlier session earlier in the year, and progressed our understanding of how we think, work and act.
“I found the wellness workshop really good, real inspiring and a great internal healing session. Kyle had mention in the beginning ‘discomfort proceeds growth’ and this stuck to me throughout the whole day and became one of many things I took away from this day. With the big move back home from Wellington and starting at a new tertiary halfway through the academic year the past few weeks have been hectic. Saturday was a good time to press the pause button on that process and a time to collect myself and mentally prepare for my first day at Unitec the following week.”

“Saturday’s workshop was such a lovely time with everyone. Kyle really emphasised how we do not need to be labelled as one thing but instead we are multifaceted. Kyle always gives food for thought which helps us see ourselves from different perspectives. Kyle’s techniques for stress relief and compartmentalising remind me to live life with clarity and drive. His words are always just what is needed before the uni semester begins again!”
After a lunch break Victor Davies from Vic D Fitness got the group moving around and using our brains in a different way with some awesome team exercises. The dynamic in the room was one of laughter with more than a hint of competitiveness as we entered into games like leapfrog, bubble master, and a treasure hunt.

“Victor’s session was the highlight of the day for me. The session allowed all the students to bond in a more informal, fun setting. This allowed us to see a friendlier side of everyone that we otherwise don’t always get at events with sponsors. The team building games strengthened my bond with other students which will definitely help me going forward in my professional career and as part of Keystone. It was great to see all the other students from across the country that we don’t generally see on a regular basis; having a couple of the boys stay over provided even more bonding opportunities.”