Collaboration yields best outcomes for rangatahi, building and construction leader says

September 26, 2023

The chief executive of Urban Development Institute New Zealand (UDINZ) says a multidisciplinary approach to industry challenges is necessary to achieve optimal outcomes for NZ Inc. and the next generation.

As the head of an industry association representing organisations working in the residential space, Adrienne Miller knows first-hand the positive effects of collaborative industry relationships.

“In this general election year, questions are asked about housing affordability and supply, adequacy of infrastructure and the wellbeing of New Zealanders, particularly in the face of climate change,” she says.

“Whilst advocating for resilient, sustainable and healthy communities for all in Aotearoa-New Zealand, UDINZ creates opportunities where the public and private sectors and various disciplines involved in urban development can come together.

“We focus on the value of connection and collaboration and say we bring industry and insight together to benefit people and communities. In that it’s important, we make space for diversity and prioritise the creation of pathways for our rangatahi-young people – because they are our future.”

Ms Miller says this is the primary focus of its partnership with Keystone Trust – New Zealand’s preeminent property education charity.

Keystone Trust was established some 29 years ago to support young people studying in the property and construction sector who, through life’s inequities, otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend tertiary institutes.

It currently supports 57 scholarship students, backed by a who’s who of industry sponsorship partners.

“We are thrilled to welcome UDINZ to the Keystone whānau and find their representation of the cross-section of disciplines and types of Kiwis involved in creating our communities to be a valuable addition to our growing network,” says Amanda Stanes, Keystone Trust’s general manager.

“Underpinned by the ethos that we’re championing a better industry for all – which ultimately delivers better outcomes for the next cohort of innovators – the work of UDINZ aligns closely with our values at the Trust.

“Through industry-wide partnership, we support more than 200 students into education, achievement and career pathways they mightn’t otherwise have.”

Approximately 86 percent of New Zealanders reside in urban areas, and questions about climate change and sustainability are of growing importance to the successor generation. So, the work of UDINZ is expected to resonate strongly with the Trust’s students.

“Despite a huge urban area, there is little consensus about what makes good urban form– which UDINZ aims to create whilst providing an environment for the sector to work with all levels of government to reduce uncertainty and increase consistency between policy jurisdictions.

“By aligning policy and implementation, we can make it easier and more efficient for firms of all sizes to practice, connect and work together to produce a more rewarding and people-centric built environment.”

As the first in her family to attend University (her father was a builder), the Trust’s work connects with Ms Miller, and she notes a focus on diversity, promoting women, and creating equal pathways for all is crucial for the sector’s evolution.

“More is achieved when we work together, and by utilising the vibrancy and innovative thinking of this next generation of leaders, we will thrive”.

“Our partnership with the Trust embodies this thinking, and our organisation is passionate about supporting its progress,” Miller says.



For further media enquiries, please contact:

Amanda Stanes                                                                             

Keystone Trust – General Manager                                 

T: 021 689 380


Adrienne Miller

Urban Design Institute New Zealand – Chief Executive Officer

T: +64 27 693 9753


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