Keystone alumni becomes youngest director at global property valuations firm

June 28, 2023

In the competitive corporate world, remarkable success stories serve as a source of inspiration, with few more heartening than that of Keystone Trust alumni and property executive Liam Rooney.

At 32, Liam has stepped into the new role as Head of Value and Risk Advisory for New Zealand, creating a buzz across the broader property industry.

Unfailingly humble and quick to credit others for supporting his spectrum of achievements, the Northland native, who grew up in the beachside town of Ruakaka, remains circumspect about his success.

In a region where circa 30 percent of students achieve University Entrance, the career advisor at Bream Bay College was quick to acknowledge Liam’s talent, encouraging his interest in a scholarship application to Keystone Trust – New Zealand’s leading charitable organisation providing funding, industry support and pastoral care for students working toward qualifications in the property and construction sectors.


“Liam was a successful Study Award recipient in 2009, and whilst in his second year working toward a Bachelor of Property degree at the University of Auckland, became a valued member of the Keystone whānau and support for the broader student network,” says Keystone Trust General Manager, Amanda Stanes.  

“Ascending the corporate ladder quickly, thanks in equal parts to his aptitude, talent and tenacity, it has been rewarding to see Liam maximise opportunities which have propelled his career forward and exemplify why we do what we do at the trust. We are proud of his achievements and congratulate him on continued success,” she says.

Despite managing the largest commercial valuations team in the country, Liam finds time to volunteer as a mentor with the trust, making a particular impression on two Bream Bay old boys and Keystone Trust scholarship recipients, Blake Cooper and Josh Nightingale.

Liam says the limited scope for post-school opportunities, particularly in regional New Zealand, makes the work of the trust all the more valuable and is a driving factor in his motivation to give back to his Northland community.

“The trust offered wraparound support during my tertiary studies, value evident in the networking opportunities and meaningful connections which have fortified by capabilities and helped me to find a professional voice.

“The trust’s commitment to empowering individuals and creating pathways has played a critical role in my journey, and the relationship continues to inform my long-term goals, which includes supporting other students to find their feet and thrive in such an important industry,” he says.

Joining JLL in 2011 as part of its graduate programme, Liam’s valuable contribution to the business has been instrumental in the 2021 decision for the organisation to sponsor Keystone Trust. The partnership sees it provide annual funding and career opportunities across the student network.

“What Keystone Trust has achieved in acknowledging, encouraging and promoting young people into the property industry is nothing short of extraordinary, and it’s an initiative we’re proud to support, particularly as we are home to the fantastic Keystone success story of Liam Rooney,” says JLL Managing Director New Zealand, Todd Lauchlan.

Keystone Trust would like to congratulate Liam on his continued success and wish he and wife Courtney well for the arrival of their second child this August.  

For further media enquiries, please contact

 Amanda Stanes                                                   
Keystone Trust – General Manager                               
M: 021 689 380

Liam Rooney                                                                  
JLL New Zealand – Head of Value and Risk Advisory                                             
M: 021 147 9551

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