Corrina Gibbons–Hurinui resigns as Trustee

April 15, 2018

It is with much sadness that the Board of Trustees have accepted Corrina’s decision to step down from her role as a Keystone Trustee.

Corrina has been a stalwart of the Trust for over 18 years. She received the Graeme Bringans Property Education Trust Student Study Award in 2000 to study Civil Engineering at Canterbury University. Wishing to continue her involvement with the Trust after graduating she formed the Alumni Group in 2005 with Thao Nguyen and Lloyd Budd, and in 2008 was appointed to the Board as a Trustee.

Over the intervening 10 years, Corrina has fulfilled many roles for the Trust including being on the Selection Committee until 2015, she also took on the administration of the Trust during the recruitment process for the new General Manager, and of course has hosted the Ladies Table at the Annual Rugby Lunch every year since inception.

We wish Corrina all the very best and hope that she will remain a staunch supporter of all the principles that Keystone Trust aspires to.

Greg Pritchard

Chairman – Keystone Trust

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